
Tuesday, 8 November 2011

3rd November: Tour of the British Library Treasures Gallery & Book Machine Social

So. Thursday before last the Publishing MA students of Kingston went on a bit of field trip with our course lecturers; to the British Library. We went to tour the Treasures Gallery; which holds all sorts of amazing items, like handwritten notebooks by Jane Austen; Jane Eyre, handwritten by Charlotte Bronte; some writings by Shakespeare, Magna Carta, illuminated and sacred texts, the Gutenberg Bible, right through to some handwritten songs by the Beatles; a real range of handwritten or historically important BOOKS. So it was amazing. As i've said. I believe we ended up getting kicked out because we were all so excited by the books and were making a bit too much noise with our conversation, however. Oops :S

Following this we had a sprint through the rain to the bus stop, and enjoyed a bus ride through the dark, rainy and miserable streets of London to get to the Novemer Book Machine (See the photos via the link.)  It was great to meet people across lots of different parts of the industry, although there were so many of us packed into the pub that it was rather noisy!! I'm looking forward to the next event! 

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